Your lease requires that you keep certain insurance policies in full force and effect throughout the term of your lease. Please refer to the insurance section of your lease for the types of insurance coverage, limits and cancellation provisions required. We recommend that you forward the insurance section of your lease in its entirety to your insurance provider.

Please submit the appropriate Certificate of Insurance to the Office of the Building.


Certificate Holder:

The following party must be named as a Certificate Holder on your policy
Douglas Emmett 2008, LLC
9100 Wilshire Boulevard, Beverly Hills, CA 90212

Additional Insureds:

The following parties must be named as an additional insured on your policy
9100 Wilshire
Douglas Emmett, Inc.
Douglas Emmett Management, Inc.
Douglas Emmett Management, LLC
Douglas Emmett Properties, LP

Acceptance of any Certificate of Insurance does not relive you from your obligations with respect to insurance, nor does it limit or relieve you of any of your duties or responsibilities. For your protection, please consider whether you should obtain higher insurance limits.

Remember to provide evidence of renewal or replacement of any required policy not less than fifteen (15) days before it expires or is cancelled.